

2017/11/27 13:30 - 2017/11/27 18:00





2017/11/27 13:30 - 2017/11/27 18:00





moore8活动海报-【活动邀请】瑞士电子与微技术中心·CSEM微电子宣讲会,全球四地巡回·上海站 手腕上的微电子技术50年的发展历程:从第一款可穿戴到超连接世界

50 Years of Microelectronics on the Wrist:From the First Wearable to a Hyperconnected World

我们诚挚地邀请您参加瑞士CSEM微电子宣讲会,了解瑞士微电子的发展和进行技术及商务交流,并籍此纪念瑞士CSEM研发的全球首个可穿戴设备诞生50周年。本次宣讲会我们邀请到来自瑞士最先进的研发机构之一瑞士电子与微技术中心,及其合作伙伴日本大阪大学、CEVA Inc.、三重富士通半导体公司等技术大咖,来分享瑞士最先进的技术成果,对微纳电子、亚阈值电子器件、超低功耗、蓝牙网格、智能视觉机器学习、SoC系统级芯片集成、微系统等方面的技术进行探讨及潜在商务合作交流。如果您对瑞士乃至欧洲的技术研发及技术成果转化感兴趣,那么您千万别错过本次宣讲会。


时间 | Time


Shanghai on November 27, 2017 13:30

地点 | Address



Xinwei Building A, Floor 2, Conference Hall, Pingcheng Road 1455, Jiading District, Shanghai (100 meters near North Jiading Station, Subway Line #11)

主办单位 | Organizer

瑞士电子与微技术中心 | CSEM, Centre Suisse d'Electronique et de Microtechnique

瑞士联邦政府科技文化中心 | Swissnex China (Swiss Technology Consulate)

新微创源 / 上海新微科技发展有限公司 | SIMIC InnoSpring

福州物联网开放实验室 | FIOT-LAB, Fuzhou Internet of Things Open Lab

协办单位 | Co-Organizer

上海新微科技集团 | SIMIC Holdings

上海微系统与信息技术研究所 | Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology, CAS

上海微技术工业研究院 | SITRI,Shanghai Industrial μTechnology Research Institute

上海创源科技发展有限公司 | InnoSpring

关于庆典 | The Celebration

位于瑞士纳沙泰尔市的瑞士电子与微技术中心CSEM的前身瑞士电子制表中心CEH,于50年前曾制造了世界上第一块石英手表“Beta 1”,确切的说是世界上第一款可穿戴设备。瑞士电子与微技术中心(CSEM)借纪念该里程碑式的创举在全球四个重要经济体(旧金山、东京、上海、台北)的国际科技中心举办巡回宣讲会,此次上海站将协同其合作伙伴,瑞士联邦政府科技文化中心(Swissnex China)、上海新微科技发展有限公司(SIMIC InnoSpring)、以及福州物联网开放实验室(FIOT-LAB)一起举办此次庆典活动。

The Beta 1, created at the Centre Electronique Horloger (CEH)—the forerunner of CSEM—in Neuchâtel, Switzerland, was the world’s first quartz wristwatch; thus indeed the world’s first wearable device. Together with its partners, the Swissnex China (the Swiss Technology Consulate), SIMIC-InnoSpring and FIOT-LAB, CSEM is celebrating this milestone with a tour in four major economy, science and technology international hubs – starting in July in San Francisco, followed by Tokyo, Shanghai, and Taipei.


1965年7月7日 - 正式推出石英手表项目。

1965年11月26日 - CEH总监Roger Wellinger宣布“montre-bracelet quartz”(“石英手表”)成为战略目标。

1967年7月31日 - 装配完成第一块可完全运行的石英手表。

1967年8月13日 - 将世界上第一个石英手表“Beta 1”交付给纳沙泰尔市观测所,以“精密计时腕表Chronomètres-bracelet”类别进行测试。

1967年计时赛中 - CEH的Beta原型排在前十名。

May 7, 1965—Official launch of the quartz wristwatch project.

November 26, 1965—Roger Wellinger, CEH’s director, declares the “montre-bracelet quartz” (“quartz bracelet watch”) to be a strategic goal.

July 31, 1967—Assembly of the first fully operational and complete quartz wristwatch.

August 13, 1967—Delivery of the world’s first quartz wristwatch, Beta 1, to the Observatory of Neuchâtel, for testing in the category “Chronomètres-bracelet.”

At the 1967 chronometry competition, CEH’s Beta prototypes swept the top 10 spots.

关于CSEM | About CSEM


Managing and fostering innovation to convert groundbreaking basic research into advanced processes, leading to innovative products and helping industry and society prepare for the future.




CSEM’s predecessor was visionary 50 years ago,

CSEM continues to be visionary today to build tomorrow’s world

会议议程 | Program



部分演讲嘉宾简介 | Speakers

Felix Moesner博士是Swissnex China和瑞士领事的首席执行官。Swissnex China成立于2008年,是波士顿(2000),旧金山(2003),印度(2009),巴西(2013年)和阿斯塔纳(2017年世博会)的全球网络的组成部分之一。作为外交官,他帮助建立起了瑞士与中国在教育,研究,创新和艺术科学等领域的联系。Felix Moesner曾任Swissnex Boston的首席执行官,并创立了纽约分部,Swissnex Astana 2017的共同发起人,瑞士驻东京大使馆科技办公室主任。自2005年起,他曾在东京和波士顿担任科技外交圈的联席主席和创始人。他还是瑞士商会和波士顿联合国协会的董事会成员。 Felix Moesner分别于麻省理工学院,ETH苏黎世联邦理工学院和东京大学,先后获得机器人博士学位和硕士/工商管理硕士学位。在其他方面,他不仅在Credit Suisse Life Insurance Japan担任领导职位,还在东芝公司,神奈川科技学院,Synpulse和Egon Zehnder国际公司担任领导职位。

Dr. Felix Moesner is the CEO of Swissnex China and Consul of Switzerland. Established as China’s first "Science Consulate" in 2008, swissnex China is part of a global network located in Boston (2000), San Francisco (2003), India (2009), Brazil (2013) and Astana (EXPO 2017). As diplomat, he engages in connecting the dots in education, research, innovation and art-science between Switzerland and China. Formerly, Felix Moesner was the CEO of swissnex Boston, founder of its New York outpost, co-developer of swissnex Astana 2017 and head of the Science and Technology Office at the Embassy of Switzerland in Tokyo. Since 2005, he was the co-chair and founder of the Science and Technology Diplomatic Circle in Tokyo and Boston. He was also board member of Swiss Chamber of Commerce and the United Nations Association of Boston. Felix Moesner, a graduate from MIT, ETH Zurich and the University of Tokyo, has a PhD in robotics and an MSc / MBA. In the private sector, he not only worked in a leading position at Credit Suisse Life Insurance Japan, but also for Toshiba Corporation, the Kanagawa Academy of Science and Technology, Synpulse and Egon Zehnder International.

Pierre-YvesDonzé是大阪大学(日本)的商业史教授,也是瑞士弗里堡大学的客座教授。 他致力于各行业(如手表,奢侈品,医疗技术等)的全球竞争态势与创新史的国际研究课题。 他是欧洲商业史协会理事会和日本商业史学会的成员。

Pierre-Yves Donzé is professor of business history at Osaka University (Japan) and visiting professor at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland). He is engaged in international research projects on the history of global competition and innovation in various industries (watches, luxury, medtech). He is a member of the councils of the European Business History Association and the Business History Society of Japan.

Georges Kotrotsios是CSEM业务拓展副总裁和执行董事会成员。他的技术背景是光纤系统。 他是执行董事会EARTO(欧洲研究和技术组织协会)以及EREA执行委员会(欧洲航空研究中心协会)的成员。2016年和2012年,他主持成立了Fraunhofer微电子联盟,CEA-LETI,VTT和CSEM智能系统(HTA)。2015年,他被选为瑞士工程科学院的个人成员。

Georges Kotrotsios is VP Business development and member of the Executive Board of CSEM. His technical background is in fiber optic systems. He sits in the Executive Board EARTO (European Association of Research and Technology Organisation) as well as in the Executive Board of EREA (the European Association of Aeronautics Research Centers). For 2016 and 2012 he chaired the Alliance of Fraunhofer-Microelectronics, CEA-LETI, VTT and CSEM on Smart Systems (HTA). In 2015 he has been elected individual member of the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences.

Alain Porret目前是CSEM的集成和无线系统副总裁,他率领一个专注于可穿戴,IoT应用和工业传感器的超低功耗解决方案的团队。 他在美国工作13年期间,与人合伙创立了多家数字广播技术的初创企业,并对“硅调谐器”的兴起起到积极的推动作用。 他获得EPFL(瑞士)博士学位,期间为超低功耗CMOS收发器的新兴课题做出杰出贡献。

Alain Porret is currently VP, Integrated and Wireless Systems, at CSEM, where he leads a group focusing on ultra-low-power solutions for wearables, IoT applications, and industrial sensors. Previously, he spent 13 years in the US where he co-founded several start-ups related to digital broadcast technologies and participated to the ascent of the “silicon tuner”. He earned his Ph.D. from EPFL (Switzerland) by contributing to the then-young topic of ultra-low-power CMOS transceivers.

Stéphane Emery于1995年获得瑞士联邦理工学院(EPFL)的电气工程硕士学位,并于2007年获得日内瓦大学国际管理硕士学位。他现在领导瑞士CSEM的系统级芯片部门。他曾经为飞利浦/恩智浦,TranSwitch和DSP集团等半导体公司工作超过20年。 他开发了ASICs系统,并领导过多个国际研发团队专注于远程通信,处理器设计和面向消费者应用的SoC系统级芯片等领域的研发工作。他联合创办了多家半导体公司。

Stéphane Emery received the Master degree in Electrical Engineering from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) in 1995 and the MBA in International Management from the University of Geneva in 2007. He is now leading the System-On-Chip section at CSEM, Switzerland. He previously gathered 20 years of industrial experience working for several semiconductor companies like Philips/NXP, TranSwitch or DSP Group. He developed ASICs and systems and lead several international R&D groups in the fields of telecommunication, processor design and system-on-chip for consumer applications. He is also the co-founder of several companies in the semiconductors field.


Mr. LiangFu LO joined Fujitsu in 1998 and he has morethan 10 years’ experience for ASIC & foundry business. He is the marketingdepartment director of Mie Fujitsu Semiconductor to be responsible for Asiafoundry business.

Jian(Derek)Li是CEVA区域销售经理,负责华东地区的销售。 他于2012年加入CEVA,担任FAE,客户经理和区域销售经理。 具有十年以上嵌入式系统IP和半导体领域的工作经验。

Jian (Derek) Li is Regional Sales Manager of CEVA managing sales of east China. Joined CEVA in 2012 and served as FAE, Account Manager and Regional Sales Manager. Over 10 years of working experience in embedded system IP and semiconductor field.

L. Andrea Dunbar是CSEM嵌入式视觉系统部门主管。 他们目前的研究重点是创造用于分类和识别的紧凑型智能视觉系统。 她是光学学科背景,2002年获得都柏林三一学院博士学位。 她于2016年完成了“技术管理”的MBA课程。她在洛桑的EPFL从事教学工作,拥有2项专利和发表30多篇论文。

L. Andrea Dunbar is Section Head of Embedded Vision Systems, at CSEM. Their current activities focus on creating compact intelligent vision systems for classification and recognition. Her technical background is in optics and she obtained her PhD in 2002 from Trinity College, Dublin. She completed her MBA in Management of Technology in 2016. She teaches regularly at EPFL, Lausanne and is the author of 2 patents and over 30 published papers.

Simon Gray于2008年加入CSEM,负责CSEM超低功耗集成系统部门的营销和业务拓展工作。 此前,他曾在包括飞利浦和Semtech等欧洲半导体公司担任技术和营销管理职务。 他拥有诺丁汉大学物理学学士学位和英国开放大学工商管理硕士学位。

Simon Gray joined CSEM in 2008 and is responsible for marketing and business development in CSEM's Ultra Low Power integrated systems division. Previously he worked for European semiconductor companies, including Philips and Semtech, in both technical and marketing management roles. He has a BSc in Physics from Nottingham University and an MBA from Open University, UK.

